SHE Changes Ocean was founded as a collaborative platform to harness the knowledge, resources, and networks of women and women-led organisations working at the intersection of ocean conservation and gender equality. Its mission is to amplify the visibility and expertise of women at global and local ocean events, challenging the patriarchal structures that dominate these spaces.

The initiative seeks to elevate women into leadership roles within the ocean conservation movement, promoting inclusive and equitable decision-making. Current governance often excludes women, missing opportunities for richer, more robust outcomes informed by diverse perspectives and experiences. Research shows that decisions improve when women are meaningfully included at all levels of leadership.

SHE Changes Ocean also advocates for dignified and ecologically sustainable ocean-related employment for women, ensuring their contributions are recognised beyond labour-intensive roles like plastic cleanup or fish processing. By showcasing women's expertise and fostering equitable opportunities, the initiative highlights the transformative value women bring to ocean governance and conservation.

This alliance is proof of the quality of thought and collaboration that women bring to the table. Having women at all decision levels demonstrates in depth data and a more solid direction for ocean governance. Proof shows that when more women are included, decisions yield better.


  • Cristina Tebar Less

    Environmental Lawyer and Chair of Women for Sea

  • Andi Cross

    Impact Strategist, Expedition Lead, Writer & Divemaster at Edges of Earth — documenting positive stories for local and Indigenous communities

  • Taïme Smit Pellure

    Marine biologist and activist at Acción Océanos which paves the way for scientific information, disseminating and raising awareness of the problems facing our oceans.

    Campaigner for WeMove Europe.

  • Farah Obaidullah

    Founder of Women4Oceans, a project of The Ocean and UsMapping women experts around the world creating a speaker/expert database

  • Ombretta Agro' Andruff

    ARTSail Founder and Executive Director; a curator, art convener and a Shero storyteller for the seas

  • Cristina Rocha Antunes

    President of United by the Sea which advocates for highlighting the critical importance of the ocean to humanity. An experienced executive producer in the audiovisual industry, with extensive experience in television channels and collaboration with independent producers.

  • Mamta Borgoyary

    Executive Director of SHE Changes Climate, leveraging her expertise in amplifying women's voices and lived experiences to influence decision-making at COPs, corporate boards, and businesses

  • Antoinette Vermilye

    Co-founder of the Gallifrey Foundation and SHE Changes Climate, advocating for tangential legal avenues to slow destructive ocean extraction

  • Jackie Nuñez

    Founder of The Last Plastic Straw, Advocacy & Engagement Manager at Plastic Pollution Coalition, and Board Member of Green Latinos, dedicated to raising awareness about the absurdity of wasteful plastic and its impacts on health, the environment, and the ocean.

    Focuses on prevention and advocating for real solutions to plastic pollution.

SHE Changes Ocean is proof of value that women bring to the table. If a woman has something to say it is important her voice should be recognised.