Fátima Pérez Neira: Putting a Spotlight on Shark & Ray Research in the Azores, Portugal

An Expedition to São Miguel, Portugal

The Azores, celebrated for their volcanic landscapes, abundant wildlife, and vivid blue waters, are witnessing a surge in tourism across the nine islands making up this Atlantic archipelago. The Edges of Earth team arrived eager to understand conservation efforts in the region—only to find fewer than expected. However, on São Miguel, the largest island, new research on sharks and rays is taking shape in a collaborative, integrated way. This remote, biodiverse setting is ideal for studying migratory giants like hammerheads and mobula rays, and the next generation of scientists, researchers, and naturalists is seizing the opportunity.

The ecosystems of the Azores face mounting threats: overfishing pressures large predators, while expanding coastal development encroaches on critical habitats as tourism grows, much like in other vulnerable island communities. Climate change adds further strain, with warming ocean temperatures altering migration patterns and bringing invasive algae to these shores, making conservation in the Azores more urgent than ever. One dedicated research team has taken on the mission to fill a crucial data gap in shark and ray conservation, historically a challenge in the Azores. We met with Fátima Pérez Neira, founder of Elasmobase Azores, and her co-founder, Antonio Sabuco, to learn about their work collecting essential data to guide conservation efforts for this under-explored archipelago.

(Fátima Pérez Neira in the Azores. Photo Credit: Marla Tomorug)

Andi: What brought you to the Azores, and why did you choose São Miguel as the base for your ocean work?

Fátima: I came to the Azores, to São Miguel, in my early 20s, originally to study the ocean. I couldn’t imagine a better place to do it—it’s calm, quiet, yet there’s so much to learn here. I’m originally from the mainland of Spain, from a small farm town. Growing up, I split my time between the city for school, and the farm where I was surrounded by nature. That dual life shaped what I’m doing now and I think brought me to the ocean as my main source of happiness and my livelihood. 

As a farm girl, my family was surprised that I had fallen in love with the ocean. Anytime we’d go to the beach with my family as a child, I’d be in the water until nightfall—it was nearly impossible to get me out. No one else in my family had a connection to the ocean like this, so my decision to study it was surprising to those who knew me. One day, I packed my bags and decided to leave home to study the sea. It felt like this innate love of the ocean had always been there, waiting for me to find ways of opening the door to access it. Then, when I started scuba diving, the love took a turn. I realized this is what I wanted to spend my life doing professionally. It allowed me to really see and connect with the ocean. But even before that, I’d feel drawn to it—happy to just be near it, even if only on the shore. 

(The Azores is known for shark congregations. Photo Credit: Francisco Garcia)

Coming to São Miguel gave me the chance to fully embrace that feeling and tap into my childhood passion that just felt natural from the start. But at that time, I didn’t fully understand the potential of São Miguel, one of the nine islands in the Azores off the coast of Portugal, and how much was left unexplored. You have to consider where these islands are located—right in the middle of the North Atlantic. It’s such a privileged spot with massive biodiversity. We have migratory species that pass through, and seabirds come here to nest and raise their chicks. This is a critical place for so many species, and it’s incredibly important for people to understand that the natural world is like a puzzle. If we neglect one piece, it will affect another part, no matter how distant.

We’re at a point where we can still build something really impactful for conservation here. Tourism is increasing, but we have the opportunity to guide it responsibly, to show people why it’s crucial to protect these islands. Conservation here isn’t just about protecting what’s unique to the Azores; it can set an example for other regions as well, which is why I chose the Azores as my research home base. 

(The Elasmobase: Azores and Edges of Earth team going on to sea. Photo Credit: Marla Tomorug)

Andi: Tell us a bit about what Elasmobase is all about. 

Fátima: Elasmobase really came to life when I realized there was a huge data gap in the Azores. There’s so little information on local marine species, especially sharks and rays. For such a biodiverse place, it felt like we were in the dark about the ocean’s health here. At first, I thought only universities and official labs could tackle generating data when there was none. But after about a year of wrestling with the idea, I decided I couldn’t wait for someone else to do it—I had to at least try. 

So, at the start of 2024, I began knocking on doors, reaching out to companies, and asking for help when it came to getting started. I was nervous about putting my idea to study the Azorean sharks and rays out there in the world, but surprisingly, everyone I asked about getting involved said yes! Suddenly, I had this overwhelming support, which was both amazing and a little intimidating. I called Antonio Sabuco, my Co-Founder, and a few others on the island who offered to help, and things started to come together. 

(Fátima deploying underwater cameras for research. Photo Credit: Marla Tomorug)

The nonprofit grew faster than I expected. What started as a small idea with some research methods I’d tested in the Canaries turned into something very real. I think the interest from people initially came down to a mix of factors. The Azores is a unique place with distinct ecosystems that make this kind of research possible. You cannot do this type of shark and ray data collection everywhere. Plus, having already worked here in the dive shops and with whale watching operators, I had connections with people who trusted me, which made it easier to ask for their involvement in data collection.

Andi: Why do you think there’s such a lack of data here?

Fátima: That’s a big question. I think it comes down to a few things. First, funding. Most projects here are self-funded or funds come from international universities or institutions. Those global teams come here, conduct research, but then they go back to their home country, taking their findings with them, and we never see the results on the islands. It’s hard to build a local knowledge base that way and it’s hard to inspire the local people to participate. 

(Diving with Elasmobase: Azores co-founder Antonio Sabuco. Photo Credit: Marla Tomorug)

Then there’s the commitment factor. You really need someone to champion this work, willing to invest a lot of time and effort into this, and bring others along the journey. Not everyone is up for that—most people want to finish work and go home, relax, or focus on hobbies that don’t involve diving or marine research. Mine just happens to be tied to the ocean, which makes it easier for me. But not everyone wants to dive in that deeply, so to speak.

Also, research may have started later here than in other regions, which leaves us playing catch-up. And the people who have historically conducted research tend to be a bit closed off, almost protective of their data. We don’t have easy access to what they’ve gathered, which is a huge barrier. To me, this mindset of data hogging is so archaic. That’s why it’s so important that OUR database is open and accessible—people need to be able to learn from it and build on it.

(Fátima and her team are helping to fill shark and ray knowledge gaps. Photo Credit: Francisco Garcia)

Andi: And so with all this data you’re collecting, where does it go? And who exactly is contributing to this? 

Fátima: We have an online database where everything is stored, separated by the partners we work with to collect the data. We maintain confidentiality regarding specific locations the operators visit, since these are active companies, but everything is logged digitally. Once we’ve collected enough data and it’s ready for analysis, we start the review process and produce reports based on the findings. From there, our plan is to publish the findings because, let’s be honest, if it’s not published in a journal or paper, it’s often overlooked—even when the data is solid. So, making this research accessible in a formal way is a promise I’ve made to everyone involved. 

On the whale-watching and coastal trip side, operators like Picos de Aventura, Futurismo, and Terra Azul are essential partners. They’ve made it easy for us; their crew members record sightings of key species—like when they spot a manta ray shadow or see sharks. I check in with them regularly, but it’s straightforward: they pass on their data, I add it to the database. And with Picos de Aventura, they provide us with boats, fuel, and skippers, free of charge all summer to help with our BRUVS deployments, which has been so huge for us. 

(Fátima and her team work with eco-tourism operators to conduct their research. Photo Credit: Marla Tomorug)

With dive centers, it’s a bit more involved. They’re in the water every day, logging detailed information on each dive, so it’s more like a giant logbook for the island’s marine life. The dive centers that are most active with us are Best Spot Azores, Azores Diving, and Azores Sub. Because they see so much, they’ll often reach out if they’re uncertain about a species—sometimes they’ll even stop me on the street to ask questions or show me photos. It’s a close, collaborative relationship since they’re contributing data continuously.

We’re also working with local fishermen, which is an entirely different approach. We visit their launch port, speak with them, and assure them that we’re not here to police their catch. Once they understand that we’re just interested in learning about their knowledge of the ocean, they’re incredibly generous and open—sometimes they even offer to take us out on their boats or share their catch as a meal. Many feel overlooked, like their work isn’t valued, so these conversations are building trust. As that relationship strengthens, we hope to collaborate with them even more in the coming years, showcasing the value of their knowledge alongside our conservation work.

(Fátima at her team work with local fishermen in the Azores. Photo Credit: Franscico Garcia)

Andi: What trends or patterns are you seeing so far?

Fátima: This might sound obvious, but the biggest takeaway is that we still need more data. Right now, most of our data is focused on São Miguel, and when I review it, I keep thinking, “What’s happening on the other islands?” This year alone, we built the largest database yet in collaboration with the maritime tour operators, which is a huge milestone. Now, just imagine the possibilities if we extended this across all the islands.

We’re noticing that some areas might serve as nurseries for specific species, likely because of rising ocean temperatures. Animals that typically prefer warmer waters, which we’d usually only spot around Santa Maria, the southernmost island, are now being seen around São Miguel. If we don’t track these shifts, it won’t help to protect their former habitats without extending protections to these new areas they’re moving into. More analysis and expanded data collection are critical to understanding these emerging patterns.

(Rays in the blue waters of the Azores. Photo Credit: Francisco Garcia)

Andi: What's your biggest goal for Elasmobase? What does success look like for you?

Fátima: If this data we’re collecting can demonstrate that these areas are crucial for conservation, not just for well-known species but specifically for sharks and rays, then I think it’ll make a meaningful impact. Ideally, it will inspire more local conservation initiatives, where right now there aren’t many for these species. Success is when communities and authorities see the ocean as something valuable that needs protection and dedicated funding. I want to reach a point where there’s enough data for others to continue this work, with the right resources in place to support it.

Right now, Elasmobase is funded by my own salary, along with some donations. We’re fortunate to have had support from the incredible companies I’ve mentioned. But otherwise, it’s all me. I’m also extremely grateful to Picos Aventura, which is the whale watch company I work with. Without their support—providing us with a boat and a skipper—this project wouldn’t be possible. Their trust in us since the beginning has made a massive difference. Other companies, like Best Spot Diving, have helped too, and our volunteers have been indispensable, helping with everything from monitoring videos to deploying underwater camera structures which are what we use to collect the data. It’s all of this support that keeps Elasmobase going.

(The Elasmobase: Azores team after an expedition out to sea. Photo Credit: Marla Tomorug)

Elasmobase is a research methodology that communities everywhere could adopt, especially in places with limited resources. We work with the local community, engage them, and empower them to protect their environment. This is a scalable approach, and if it works here, it can work in even smaller spaces. In that way, the Azores can serve as a model for sustainable conservation globally, and I hope to use this data as a way to get the message out there. 

Words by: Andi Cross | Photography by: Marla Tomorug & Francisco Garcia | Support from: Elasmobase: Azores


SHE Changes Climate collaborates with the Edges of Earth Expedition, a woman-led team dedicated to highlighting impactful stories from the environmental frontlines. This partnership focuses on amplifying the voices of women who are pioneering positive change in some of the world’s most vulnerable coastal and marine environments, many of whose stories have gone untold.


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